Heliotropium europaeum


Heliotropium europaeum


Akrep otu
Annual, with ± soft adpressed hairs. Stems divaricately branched, pale. Leaves ovate, obtuse to subacute, to 35 mm, green or greyish, petiole usually C. 1/2 as long as lamina. Inflorescence dense, sometimes rather lax in fruit. Calyx subsessile, 2·5 mm, lobes lanceolate, spreading in fruit. Corolla 3-3·5 mm, tube cylindrical, limb short, ± rotate, c. 2·5 mm, hairy outside. Stigma subsessile, conical with an elongate, subfiliform, deeply bifid tip, usually glabrous. Anthers inserted near base of corolla tube. Nutlets glabrous , grossly tuberculate, rarely nearly smooth. Fl. 6-9. Orchards, fields, s.l.-1400 m.
Mediterranean area northwards to Switzerland, S. Germany and Austria; Balkans, S. Russia, Caucasia; N. & N.W. Iran? Medit. element? 
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