Heliotropium supinum


Heliotropium supinum


Annual, stems numerous, prostrate, scarcely branched, patent-hairy. Leaves long-petiolate, to 18 mm, lamina ovate, obovate or ovate-lanceolate, strigulose above, densely tomentose beneath. Cymes several, crowded, very short and dense. Calyx sessile, 2-2,5 mm, densely white-hairy, deciduous. Corolla scarcely longer than calyx, tube hairy, limb minute, rotate, lobes imbricate in bud. Stigma elongate-conical, hairy at apex, as long as style. Nutlets large, 1-seeded by abortion, flattened on one side, glabrous. Fl. 7-10. Field margins, s.l.-1200 m.
Mediterranean area, eastwards to India.
  • 753
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  • 657
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