Hormuzakia aggregata


Hormuzakia aggregata


Densely tuberculate-hispid annual; stems ascending to erect, 5-20 cm. Leaves 40-90 x 6-20 mm, linear-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, entire or faintly crenate. Cymes dense, even in fruit; bracts foliaceous, longer than calyx. Calyx 2-4 mm in flower, 5-6 mm in fruit, densely setose, split almost to base into ± acute lobes. Corolla light to deep blue, actinomorphic, tube c. 5 mm, lobes c. 2 mm. Stamens inserted at top of tube, overlapping scales. Nutlets c. 3 x 4 mm, hemispherical. Fl. 3-9. Coastal sands, fields nr sea, s.l.-5 m.
Mediterranean area from N.W. Africa and Sicily to Cyprus and W. Syria. Medit.element. 
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