Myosotis alpestris


Myosotis alpestris


subsp. alpestris: Boncukotu
Perennial, with short rhizomes and often several rosettes. Stem 5-35 cm, hairy or glabrescent below, patent to adpressed-hairy above. Basal leaves distinctly to indistinctly petiolate, ovate to elliptic, hairy, sometimes glabrescent beneath. Cauline leaves variable, ovate to linear. Pedicels erecto-patent in fruit, not longer than calyx. Fruiting calyx to 7 mm, densely hairy, with or without hooked setae, not deciduous. Limb of corolla rotate, to 8 mm diam., blue. Nutlets to 1,8 mm, broadly ovate to elliptical, black, ± obtuse, with large elliptic attachment scar and distinctly developed lateral grooves. Fl. 4-8. Rocks, slopes, earthy or grass) places, 1000-3500 m.
Distribution of species: W. & C. Europe and probably also Asia & N. America.
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