Myosotis minutiflora


Myosotis minutiflora


Minik boncukotu
Delicate erect annual, 7-15 cm. Stem and inflorescence patent hairy, stem also with hooked hairs at base. Basal leaves to 2 x 0,4 cm, oblanceolate, sessile, with hooked hairs beneath, especially on midrib. Flowers crowded, especially towards apex of inflorescence, lowermost often bracteate. Pedicels in lower part of inflorescence to 3 mm and often recurved, in upper part to 1 mm, patent or slightly erecto-patent. Calyx accrescent to 3,5 mmin fruit and deciduous, divided to more than ½ , with deflexed hooked hairs and adpressed straight hairs at base, lobes not connivent. Corolla scarcely exceeding calyx; limb c. 1mm diam., saucer-shaped, pale blue. Nutlets 1,5 x 1 mm, ovate, brown, with distinct rim and obliquely triangular attachment scar, ventrally keeled from apex to base. Fl. 4-6. Rocky pastures, 1120-2100 m.
S. Spain, Balkans; N. Iraq, N.W. & N. Iran., Afghanistan. Medit. element.
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