Myosotis stricta

Myosotis stricta

Yitik unutmabeni

Annual, 5-25 cm, erect, stem usually much-branched in lower part, leafy to inflorescence, with hooked hairs at base. Basal leaves to 2.5 x 0.5 cm, lanceolate; underside with some hooked hairs, especially on midrib, others straight. Axis of inflorescence with antrorse patent to  subadpressed hairs. Flowers crowded towards apex, pedicels to 1.5 mm, erecto-patent. Calyx with deflexed hooked hairs and adpressed, straight hairs at base, accrescent to c. 4 mm in fruit, divided to ½ , with ± connivent lobes, not deciduous. Corolla tube scarcely exceeding calyx; limb c. 1 mm diam., saucer-shaped, bright to pale blue. Nutlets 1.5 x1 mm, ovate, brown, with a distinct rim, keeled at apex. Fl. 4-6. Dry places, 100-2180 m.

N.W. Africa, most of Europe, Cyprus, N.W. Iran. Euro-Sib. element.

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