Nonea caspica


Nonea caspica


Bahar sormuğu
Hispid-setose annual. Stems 5-30 cm, branching divaricately from base. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate to linear, entire to subdenticulate, 2-10 x 0·5-1 cm; cauline subdecurrent. Calyx 4-7 mm, divided to c. ½ ,lobes narrowly triangular acuminate; fruiting calyx 7-10 mm. Corolla orange-red at first, becoming violet or purple, 9-12 mm, narrowly infundibular; throat yellowish, limb suberect or erecto-patent, ± zygomorphic; scales somewhat inflated, hairy on upper margins, annulus densely hairy. Anthers 1-1·5 mm. Nutlets transversely ovoid, 2-3 x 3·5-4 mm, glabrous or puberulent at base, blackish, slightly reticulate, with small whitish flecks, beak lateral, basal ring not thickened, with 11-14 teeth. Fl. 4-6. Fallow fields, roadsides, grassy and rocky slopes, gravelly steppe, s.l-1750 m.
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