Omphalodes luciliae
Omphalodes luciliae
Ssp cilicica: Ak süreyre; Ssp kurdica: Yalçın süreyre;
Ssp pisidica: Dede süreyresi; Ssp scopulorum: Sipil süreyresi
Perennial herb, with suberect rootstock. Stem 5-25 cm, ascending to prostrate or trailing. Leaves ovate to oblong, usually rounded at apex; basal and lower cauline petiolate, lamina to 4.5 x 3.5 cm, lateral nerves indistinct, petiole to 5 cm; upper cauline sessile, smaller. Inflorescence bracteate. Calyx lobes narrowly elliptic, subacute. Corolla pale blue , tube 3-4 mm, limb 4.5-8 mm diam., limb almost flat to distinctly concave. Nutlets to 2.5 x1.7 mm, wing entire. FI. 6-9. Shady rock crevices, vertical cliffs, 1200-3350 m.
1. Lamina of basal leaves to 25 x 15 mm, base cuneate, decurrent into petiole ..subsp. luciliae element.)
1. Lamina of basal leaves to 35 x 25 mm, base ± truncate, abruptly narrowed into petiole
2. Leaves glaucous, tubercles not or weakly developed; lamina of basal leaves elliptic-oblong .............................subsp. scopulorum element.)
2. Leaves green or very slightly glaucous; tubercle-based setules usually well developed on oldest leaves; lamina of basal leaves ovate
3. Nutlets ovate to orbicular in outline, rounded at apex, wing distinct, c. 1 mm broad .................................................subsp. cilicica element. )
3. Nutlets triangular-ovate in outline, distinctly broader than long and with subacute apex, wing very narrow and indistinct, c. 0·4 mm broad ........................subsp. kurdica
Distribution of species: Greece, N. Iraq, W. Iran.