Onosma aucheriana

Onosma aucheriana


Perennial. Stems 10-25 cm, simple, setose and shortly adpressed retrorse-pilose. Leaves 10-30 x 3-8 mm, oblong-spathulate to oblong, obtuse, margin involute, adpressed- to subadpressed-setose. Inflorescence usually solitary, rarely 2-3, scorpioid. Bracts lanceolate, to 10 mm. Pedicels c. 1 mm in flower, 2-2,5 mm in fruit. Calyx 7-11 mm, not accrescent in fruit, lobes linear-lanceolate, acute, setose, setae arising from glabrous tubercles, and shortly hairy. Corolla white, cream, primrose- or sulphur-yellow, 16-18 mm, cylindrical  campanulate; pubescent, sterile tips of anthers exserted, anthers hardly shorter than filaments. Nutlets ovoid, acute, dorsally keeled, brownish. Fl. 5-8. Dry hills, calcareous steppe, cornfields, phrygana, Quercus, Pinus, Abies forest, grassy banks, alpine pasture, limestone slopes, etc., s.l.-3000 m.
Greece. E. Medit. element. 
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