Onosma rascheyana

Onosma rascheyana

Van emceği

Perennial. Stems erect or ascending, 12-25 cm, ± simple, patent-setose, setae usually lacking basal tubercles, shortly hairy. Leaves 20-40 x 3-8 mm, patent-setose and shortly hairy, obtuse to subacute, margins revolute; basal spathulate to linear-spathulate, shortly petiolate, cauline often wider, sessile, usually with broad base. Inflorescence a single terminal cyme or cymes in capitula elongating after flowering. Bracts rather large, 15-20 mm, sessile, cordate. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx 12-25 mm in flower, 22-25 mm in fruit, indurate at base, lobes linear-lanceolate, densely setose. Corolla flesh-coloured to reddish-orange at first, becoming blue, 20-25 mm, clavate, glabrous. Anthers included, shorter than filaments. Nutlets 4-5.3 x 2.7-3.7 mm, beak acute, somewhat incurved, with prominent ventral keel and lateral ridges, pale brownish. Fl. 4-7. Limestone and igneous slopes, steppe, Quercus scrub, 1000-2650 m.

W. Syria, N. Iraq, W. Iran. lr.-Tur. element.

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