Paracynoglossum glochidiatum

Paracynoglossum glochidiatum


Annual or biennial, stem 50-60 cm, single, fistular, ± shining, much branched above. Leaves densely short-pubescent, greyish, lateral nerves ± prominent, lower oblong-spathulate, lamina attenuate into long petiole, 70 x 12 mm, median oblong, sessile, to 120 x 30 mm, uppermost lanceolate, sessile, small. Inflorescence paniculate, much branched; cymes ebracteate, greatly elongating in fruit, becoming ± divaricate. Calyx 1-1,7 mm in flower, to 3mm in fruit, lobes oblong. Corolla blue, 2,5 mm, tube included in calyx, limb rotate. Scales small, papillose, transversely rectangular. Nutlets ovoid, 3 x 2 mm, narrowly marginate, margin and ventral surface densely, dorsal surface sparsely glochidiate; tubercles absent. Fl. 8. Clearings in Picea and deciduous forest, shingle beaches, s.l.-1000 m; formerly cultivated but now completely naturalized.
W. Transcaucasia ; native of Himalayas and adjacent Afghanistan and Pakistan. Euxine element.
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