Aethionema froedinii


Aethionema froedinii


Dicle kayagülü
Annual or overwintering herb, 8-15 cm, much branched. Basal leaves oblong or broadly ovate, petiolate. Cauline leaves similar, acute, amplexicaul, cordate. Petals 4.5-6 mm, pink. Filaments of longer stamens loosely connate, toothed; stamens apiculate. Inflorescence compact in flower and fruit, heterocarpic. Fruit 8-11 x 3-11 mm, broadly ovate, on erect 2.5-5 mm pedicels; septum 5.6 x 2 mm; wings 3-4 mm entire; sinus 2-4 mm; style delicate, 2-4 mm. Seeds papillose 4-5, mucilaginous. Small fruits unilocular, one-seeded. Radicle incumbent. Fl. 5. Limestone slopes, 850-1850 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.
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