Alyssum cypricum

Alyssum cypricum

 Kıbrıs kevkesi

Dense cushion-forming perennial, with erect ± tortuous stems up to 30 cm and long, aphyllous, woody caudices. Sterile shoots conferted, densely foliate with always conduplicate, spathulate, obtuse or truncate, petiolate leaves. Cauline leaves increasing in size upwards, spathulate-obovate, always conduplicate, obtuse or subacute. Indumentum densely canescent-silvery, of adpressed sublepidote hairs with many long rays. Corymbs widely spreading, up to 5 cm. Petals obovate, entire, 3-3,5 x 1-1,5 mm, glabrous or with sparse indumentum on limbs. Fruits broadly elliptic or obovate, emarginate or truncate, 4-5 x 2-3 mm, with a dense indumentum of adpressed stellate hairs with equal and suberect rays; valves unequally inflated. Styles c. 1,5 mm, glabrous. Seeds wingless. Fl. 4-6. Ruderal and open places, steppe, 1100-2000 m.
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