Alyssum dasycarpum

Alyssum dasycarpum

 Boz kuduzotu

Stems up to 25 cm. Indumentum ± dense, of coarse, few and branched-rayed stellate hairs, often appearing strigose. Leaves obovate or elliptic. Inflorescence up to 15 cm, often widely branching. Pedicels divergent to ascending, often sub-adpressed to the rachis, with dense, strigose, dimorphic indumentum. Petals obovate-spathulate, bifid, 2.5-3 mm. Fruit valves unequally inflated, with dense, dimorphic indumentum. Styles  1.5-2 mm, strongly dilated at the bases, with dense dimorphic indumentum in the lower half. Seeds wingless. Fl. 3-6. Cultivated ground, steppe, 100-2600 m.
S,W. Asia. 
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