Alyssum erosulum

Alyssum erosulum

 Çentikli kevke

Perennial with erect flowering stems, up to 20 cm, arising from contorted, suffruticose bases. Cauline leaves increasing in size upwards, linear-oblanceolate, with ± strigose, greyish-green indumentum of long-rayed stellate hairs. Racemes condensed, up to 6 cm, 8-15-fruited. Pedicels ascending or divergent, indumentum dense, dimorphic, obviously hirsute. Petals obovate, entire, c. 1-1,8 mm wide. Fruits 4-6 x 3-4,5 mm, subemarginate to emargfuate, with an indumentum of stellate hairs with branched rays; valves strongly unequally inflated. Styles 3,5-5,5 mm, ± hairy. Fl. 6-7. Rocky places, 1400-2200 m.
Endemic; allied to A. pseudo-mouradicum and A. armenum. 
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