Alyssum pogonocarpum

Alyssum pogonocarpum

 Sakallı kevke

Erect annual to 3 cm, unbranched or sparsely branched above. Stem, and upper cauline leaves densely clad with unevenly branched soft stellate hairs. Upper leaves oblanceolate, c. 4x1 mm, entire; lower leaves unknown. Inflorescence a short unbranched raceme. Sepals narrowly ovate, 2,5 x 1 mm, with thin scarious margin, densely stellate and with longer branched tuberculate hairs, persistent. Petals yellow, 4,5x1 mm, shortly bilobed, st6ellate beneath. Filaments of 4 inner stamens c. 3,5 mm, of outer 2 stamens c. 2,5 mm, flattened and dilated towards base. Anthers pale yellow, c. 0,6 mm. Style c. 2 mm, stellate-hairy, stigma truncate. Fruiting pedicels c. 3 mm, erecto-patent, clad with dense stellate hairs intermixed with branched hairs. Fruits suborbicular, c. 4 mm, with adpressed stellate hairs intermixed with simple or basally branched, subadpressed tuberculate hairs c. 1,5 mm. Seed 2 per loculus, pale brown, c. 1,5 mm, unwinged but with distinct margin, smooth. Fl. 4-5. Open places on serpantine, c. 200 m.
Rodhos. E. Medit. Element.
  • 670
  • 2
  • 0
  • 667
  • 4
  • 0
  • 708
  • 5
  • 0
  • 559
  • 0
  • 0
  • 569
  • 1
  • 0