Arabidopsis thaliana


Arabidopsis thaliana


Annual 5-50 cm, single-stemmed or branched from base. Basal leaves rosette-forming, simple, elliptic, lanceolate, entire-margined, covered with simple and forked hairs. Cauline leaves few, sessile, oblong or linear. Inflorescence region ± glabrous. Petals white or creamy-white, 3-4 x 1 mm, spathulate with a narrow claw. Fruiting pedicels erect-ascending, 4-12 mm, slender. Fruits erect-ascending, slightly curved, acute 10-16 mm x 1 mm, glabrous; style 0,5 mm. Seeds many, uniseriate on very thin funicles, mucilaginous. Fl. 4-6. Rocky slopes, cultivated ground, waste places, s.l-1800 m
Temperate Eurasia, N. Africa.
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