Arabis montbretiana

Arabis montbretiana

Ova kazteresi

Annual herb. Stems ascending to erect, 8-30 cm. Basal leaves obovate-spathulate, crenate-dentate to dentate. Stem leaves ± strict, oblong-Ianceolate, auriculate, entire to dentate. Petals white, 3-4.5 mm. Axis of fruiting inflorescence flexuous. Pedicels equalling or exceeding the calyces, incrassate in fruit. Siliquae ± terete, erect-spreading, 30-45 x 1-1.5 mm. Fl. 5. Stony places, 800-2400 m. 
Europe, Cyprus, Caucasia, Iran, W. Syria, Transcaspia, Turkestan, ?Afghanistan.
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