Barbarea anfractuosa

Barbarea anfractuosa

Eğri nicarotu

Perennial herb. Flowering stem erect, simple, 3-8 cm tall. Stem and inflorescence clearly zig-zag shape, glabrous. Leaves all usually pinnatisect, with linear to lanceolate segments, sometimes simple. Rosette leaves with petiolate, usually glabrous but sometimes sparingly pilos at base, with forming a distinct rosette, elliptic or ovate terminal leaflets, terminal leaflets 0.4-1.4 x 0.3-1.2 cm, simple, glabrous, usually entire or sometimes slightly lobes, terminal leaflet usually with 0-3 pairs of lateral leaflets, usually glabrous. Caulines leaves petiolate or sessile with amplexicaul auricles, usually glabrous or sometimes pilose; lamina up to 20 mm , usually glabrous but sometimes pilose at base; Upper stem leaves amplexicaul auricles, auricles usually pinnatisect, glabrous. Inflorescence racemose, ebracteata or bracteate, if it is present, it is at lower flower, up to 1 cm. Bracte sometimes simple, elliptic or lanceolate. Bracteole absent. Pedicels 2-6 mm glabrous. Flower buds glabrous. Sepals 2.5-3.5 mm long x c.2 mm wide, Petals yellow, 5-6 mm long x 1.8-2 mm wide Filaments c. 3-3.5 mm, anthers yellow, c. 1 mm long x 0.5-0.6 mm wide. Nectaries 2, conspicuous. Siliqua erect-spreading, linear-lanceolate, lunate or falcate at maturity, greenish or yellowish, glabrous, valves conspicuously veined. 04-15 x 1.0-2.3 mm, style 0.5-1.0 mm. Seeds in 1 row in each cell. Stigma capitate. Fl. 6. 2050-2200 m
