Bornmuellera kiyakii

Bornmuellera kiyakii

Kıyak seyyahotu

Perennial herb, much branched from base. Stems erect to ascending, 8–15 cm, sparsely hairy, hairs bifurcate. Leaves basal forming rosettes, filiform, 10–20 mm, glabrescent to indumentum few bifurcate or 3–4 branched hairs; stem leaves absent or few, similar to basal leaves but smaller. Inflorescence  unbranched, corymbose, 20–30-flowered, elongating in fruit. Pedicels 4–5 mm–10mm in fruit, patent with sparse bifurcate hairs. Sepals yellowish to greenish, elliptic, 2×2 mm, with hyaline margins, rounded at apex, glabrous or with a few bifurcate hairs. Petals white, orbicular, 5×3 mm, attenuate into 1.5mm claw, rounded at apex. Filaments linear, 2–2.5 mm, with a small tooth at base; anthers 0.6–0.8 mm, yellow; nectaries one on each side of the short stamens. Ovary globose, 1×1 mm, glabrous; 4-ovulate; style 0.5–1mm in fruit; stigma capitate. Mature siliculae elliptic to globose, inflated, 5×3–4 mm, glabrous; septum 4×3–4 mm. Seeds ovoid, 2×1.5 mm, smooth, brick-red, with membraneous wing and margin.

Phenology. Fl. 5–6, Fr. 6–7. Open Pinus nigra forest on serpentine rocks.

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