Brassica rapa


Brassica rapa


subsp. campestris
Annual with thin non-tuberous inedible tap-root. Stem 20-100 cm. Branched, erect. Lower leaves lyrate-pinnatifid. bright green. pubescent with setiform hairs; cauline leaves amplexicaul. glabrous or lower ones slightly pubescent. upper ones glaucous. Infloresccnce corymbose, few-flowered; open flowers overtopping buds. Sepals spreading. Petals golden-yellow,limb longer than claw. Fruiting pedicels 3-8 cm., sharply bent backwards. Siliqua flat or ±torulose, valves wilh distinct midrib and fine but distinct lateral veins; beak oblong-conical. 0-1-seeded. 1/3-1/2 x valves. Seeds 1,2-1,8 mm. distinctly reticulate-foveolate. reddish grey-brown. Fl. 6-7. Weed in  barley fields. 1160-2000 m
Widespread as a weed or ruderal in much of Europe, Asiand N. America and introduced elsewhere: perhaps native to the Mediterranean area. 
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