Descurainia sophia


Descurainia sophia


Ssp bartschii: Has sadırotu; Ssp sophia: Sadırotu
Annual or biennial herb, 30-80 cm, stems erect, simple and branched in the region of inflorescence or branched from base, glabrous or more commonly with a greyish indumentum of stellate and simple hairs below, glabrescent above. Basal leaves long-petiolate, 2- or 3-pinnatisect with linear segments; cauline leaves ± sessile, 2- or 3-pinnatisect, rarely simply pinnatisect. Inflorescence long. Petals 2,5-4 x 0,5-1 mm, pale yellow, slightly longer than sepals. Fruiting pedicels spreading or erect-ascending, 10-15 mm. Fruit 13-35 x 0,5-1 mm, straight or slightly curved, ± torulose; style very short. Fl. 4-6. Waste places, 300-1700 m.
Widespread in Eurasia, N. Africa. 
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