Erysimum crassipes
Erysimum crassipes
Perennial herb. Stems erect or ascending-erect, slightly winged, somewhat canescent with 2-fid hairs. Lower leaves linear-setaceous to linear, not more than 2 mm broad; cauline leaves linear; all grey-canescent with 2-fid hairs. Sepals slightly saccate, 4-6 mm. Petals pale yellow to yellow, 8-9 mm. Siliquae spreading, ± terete, canescent with 2-fid hairs, 35-50 x 1-1,5 mm. Style very short and broad, stigma capitate. Fl. 5-7. Ledges, rocky slopes, fallow fields, sand dunes, s.I.-2100 m.
W. Syria, N. Iran, Soviet Armenia.