Erysimum repandum
Erysimum repandum
Çatal zarife
Annual herb. Stems erect, 5-25 cm. Leaves linear to very narrowly elliptic, repand-dentate, with an indumentum consisting of 2-fid and a few 3-fid hairs. Sepals 4-5 mm. Petals yellow, 6-7 mm. Fruiting pedicels 2-3 mm.. Siliquae 40-60 mm, terete, torulose, with an indumentum of mainly 2-fid hairs, but usually with a few 3-fid hairs near the style. Style very short. Fl. 4-5. Slopes, fields, waste ground, s.l.-1500 m.
Most of Europe, S.W. Asia.