Euclidium tenuissimum

Euclidium tenuissimum

Annual. Stem slender, erect usually branching from above or middle, 10-20 cm high, covered mainly in lower part with long, rigid, spreading hairs. Basal and lower cauline leaves linear-lanceolate, entire or sinuate-dentate, middle and the upper leaves linear-lanceolate, entire. Raceme 4-15 cm long, 10-40-flowered, long rigid spreading and short glandular hairs. Flowers whitish. Sepals oblong, 2-2.5 mm, with often 1-7 rigid spreading hairs at apex. Petals 3-5 mm, longer than sepals, linearspathulate, dilated at apex. Siliqua 2-2.5 mm with 3 mm long straight beak, long spreading eglandular and short thick glandular hairs; mature fruits with small blunt ribs. Seeds rounded, flattened. Fl. and Fr. May. Steppe, mountain slopes, 2500-2800 m.


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