Hesperis kuerschneri

Hesperis kuerschneri

 Alaman yıldızı

Pubescent, dull olive-green, ± erect perennial, 10-20 cm tall. Root-stock oblique, woody, up to 25 cm long and 0.5-0.8 cm in diam., branched, terminating in several rosettes. Stems arcuate-ascending to erect, 6-8 cm long, terete, thickened at maturity , leafy throughout, pale to dark olive- green, suffused purple especially towards base, densely furnished with an indumentum of patent, predominantly glandular and few eglandular hairs. Basal and lower cauline leaves sublyrate , oblong to spathulate, apex rounded to subacute, margins irregularly sinuate-dentate with 4-10 teeth on each side, somewhat undulate; lamina c. 2-5 × 1-2 cm, with 3-5 cm long, flattened petiole, shiny, purplish and subglabrous at base; upper cauline leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate from a broadly cuneate base, decreasing in size, dentate with 3-5 teeth on each side, acute at apex; leaf indumentum similar to stem indumentum, but leaves glabrescent and with longer eglandular hairs ; lower leaf surface and occasionally also upper leaf surface darkening purple; basal leaves persistent at anthesis. Inflorescence a moderately lax, simple or compound, 8-14-flowered, ebracteate raceme slightly elongating in fruit; terminal and lateral racemes not secund, mainly arising from mid-stem upwards, with similar indumentum as on stem. Pedicels patent-erect to subhorizontal at anthesis, 2-7 mm, elongating to 5-10 mm, becoming subclavate and thickened in fruit; extrafloral nectaries two. Sepals erect, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acute, c. 8-10 × 2-2.5 mm, inner saccate at base, olive-green with distinct scarious to purple margins, outside glandular- hairy, eglandular-barbate at apex. Petals bicoloured, with c. 12-15 mm long, greenish white to green claw expanding into a shorter or subequal, circinately reflexed, pinkish purple, darker-veined limb. Anthers linear-oblong, 3 mm,  pale green. Style c. 1.5-2 mm long, stigma deeply 2-lobed. Mature siliquae subcylindrical, attenuating into a beak, somewhat torulose, moderately curved, 50-65 × 3-3.5 mm, yellowish green, glandular-pubescent, ± erect and readily dehiscent, septum membranous. Seeds 5-8 per locule, uniseriate, brown, irregularly ovoid, 3.5 × 2 mm, with narrow apical wing. Serpantine rocks
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