Hesperis muglensis

Hesperis muglensis

Muğla yıldızı

Caespitose perennial herbs. Roots thickened, taproot, 3–8 mm in diameter. Stems erect, 12–30 cm tall , entirely greenish, simple, terete, slightly striate, 1–1.5 mm in diameter at base; densely glandular, simple and a few bifurcate hairs in lower part, glandular, bifurcate and a few trifid mixed hairs in middle part, bifurcate, trifid and a few glandular mixed hairs upper part. Leaves crowded at lower part; basal leaves entire, oblanceolate-spathulate, 2.5–9.5 × 0.5–1 cm , margins smooth, bifurcate, trifid and a few glandular mixed hairs, glandular hairs especially on margins, obtuse to acute-obtuse at apex, attenuate at base; petiole 1–3.5 cm long, with glandular, bifurcate and a few trifid mixed hairs; cauline leaves similar, but decreasing to flowering part; lower oblanceolate, short petiolate or sessile; middle oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, sessile, acute at apex; upper sessile, acute-acuminate at apex. Inflorescences raceme, ebracteate. Pedicels ascending at flowering time, 5–8 mm long, glandular, bifurcate and a few trifid hairs. Sepals purplish-violet, oblong-oblanceolate, deciduous, 4–6-veined, 7.5–9 × 1.8–2.2 mm, glandular, bifurcate, trifid and long simple mixed hairs, trifid and long simple hairs especially on apex and margins, with membranous margins, inner sepals strongly saccate. Petals 19–25 mm long, rose-pink; limbs obovate or spathulate, 9–13 × 6–8 mm; claw ± oblong, 10–12 × 1.5–2.3 mm. Outer filaments not dilated at base, 3.6–4.5 mm long, inner filaments dilated at base, 6–7.3 mm long; anthers all fertile, ± linear, 2.5–3.1 mm long, usually greenish, basifixed. Stigmas with two obtuse, decurrent carpidial lobes. Ovaries glabrescent on valves and densely minutely glandular on margins. Immature siliquae straight, densely minutely glandular, bifurcate and a few trifid mixed hairs, bifurcate and a few trifid hairs especially on apex and margins.


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