Hornungia petraea
Hornungia petraea
Syn: Hutchinsia petraea
Delicate annuals, 4-10 cm. Basal leaves ± rosette-forming, pinnatisect with small elliptical segments. Inflorescence condensed, elongating in fruit. Petals 0,5-1 x 0,5 mm, shortly clawed. Fruiting pedicels horizontally spreading or ascending, 4-5 mm. Fruit ovate-elliptic, ± pointed at apex, 2,5-4 x 1-1,5 mm; septum 2,5-4 x 1 mm; wings absent; style absent. Seeds 4, light brown, mucilaginous or not; funicles in each loculus of unequal lengths. Fl. 3-5. Rocky places, near s.l.-1000 m.
Temperate Europe, N. Africa.