Lepidium chalepense

Lepidium chalepense

Syn: Lepidium draba ssp chalepensis
Perennial 20-60 cm, flowering stems several, much branched in inflorescence region. Basal leaves obovate-spathulate, petiolate, sinuately toothed. Cauline leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, amplexicaul, auricled or not, toothed or entire. Inflorescence a tight corymbose panicle, scarcely elongating in fruit. Petals 3,5-4 x 1-2 mm, white or pale yellow, obovate-spathulate. Stamens 6. Fruiting pedicels erect, ascending, 5-15 mm. Fruit ovate to cordate, 4-5 x 3,5-4,5 mm, septum thick, 4-5 x 3 mm; style 1-2 mm; usually 2-seeded, rarely 1-seeded and then an irregularly shaped fruit. Seeds 2-coated, mucilaginous. FI. 4-5. Cultivated land, 900-2000 m.
1. Fruit cordate at base; leaves always auriculate at base subsp. draba
1. Fruit truncate or rounded at base; leaves auriculate or exauriculate subsp. chalepensis
S.W. Asia.