Lepidium coronopus

Lepidium coronopus

Syn: Coronopus squamatus
Annual or biennial herb, prostrate or ascending, with leafy, often much branched stems, 5-10 cm. Basal leaves lanceolate in outline, 1-2 x pinnatifid. Inflorescence much condensed, not or scarcely elongating in fruit. Petals 1-1,5 x c. 0,1 mm, scarcely clawed. Fruiting pedicels 1-2 mm, thick. Fruit 2,5-3 x 3,5-4 mm; framework of septum very thick 2,5-3 x 1 mm; style 0,5 mm. Seeds 2, not mucilaginous. Fl. 4-6. Waste places, often on damp soil, s.l.-1000 m.
W., S. & C. Europe, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Cyprus, Caucasia, N. Iraq.
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