Malcolmia chia
Malcolmia chia
Syn: M.micrantha
Annual herb. Stems erect or ascending-erect, sparsely sericeous with bifid hairs. Lower leaves petiolate, spathulate, clearly to obscurely dentate; upper leaves subsessile, spathulate to narrowly elliptic; all sericeous with 2-fid hairs. Sepals saccate, 2,5-4,5 mm. Petals violet, 6-8 mm. Siliquae spreading, arcuate, somewhat torulose, with an indumentum of 2-fid hairs, borne on somewhat thickened pedicels. Fl. 3-6. Rocky slopes, usually away from the sea, s.l-1000 m.
Balkans, C. Europe, W. Syria, Cyprus. E. Medit. element.