Matthiola ovatifolia


Matthiola ovatifolia


Takkeli şebboy
Perennial. Stems stout, erect, 30-60 cm, simple or sparsely branched. subangular, sparsely and shortly glandular-papillose, Radical and cauline leaves shortly petiolate, ovate. 6 x 2 cm. coarsely sinuate-dentate. rarely subentire. With dense greyish-yellow, stellate indumentum on both surfaces, intermixed with few glandular hairs. Pedicels 0-2 mm in flower, to 5mm in fruit and c. 1/3 x calyx. Calyx c. 10 mm, with adpressed stellate-tomenlose indumentum, saccate at base. Petals yellowish, oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 mm broad, at most 2 x calyx. Siliqua erecto-patent, very long, 10-14 cm x 3,5-4 mm, linearly compressed, sparsely stellate-tomentellose; valves with conspicuous median vein. Stigma terminal, bilobed. Fl. 9. Roadside bank. c. 1260 m. 
Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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