Noccaea atilla-ocakii

Noccaea atilla-ocakii

Ocak dağarcığı

Glabrous, glaucescent perennial herbs 7–16.5 cm tall with 1 or several single stemmed, branched in region of inflorescence, terete. Basal leaves rosette forming, green, spathulate, ca. 0.2–1.1 × 0.9–3.1 cm , apex rounded, margins somewhat dentate; cauline leaves subcoriaceous, glaucous, oblong to lanceolate, ca. 0.4–1.2 × 0.6–1.6 cm, apex rounded, margins entire, amplexicaule or auriculate, auricles rounded. Inflorescence simple or compound raceme , racemes 13–40 flowered, congested in flower, elongated in fruit, lateral racemes as long as or taller than terminals in fruiting time. Pedicel 0.5–1.4 cm in flower; horizontally spreading in fruit. Sepals green, oblong, 0.9–1.1 × 2.8–3.0 mm. Petals white with pinkish veins, spathulate, 1.1–2.3 × 4.8–7.2 mm. Fruit glaucos, oblong to obovate, widest at middle, ca. 0.4–0.7 × 0.6–1.5 cm. apical notch absent. Tips of fruit retuse. Valves of fruit wingless at base, winged up to 1 mm at apex. Style 1.1–3 mm long in fruit. Stigma capitate. Ovarium 2–4 ovulate per locule. Seeds orange, rugulose, ca. 2–4 per locule, ca. 1.1 × 2.4 mm.


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