Noccaea cariense

Noccaea cariense

 Çam dağarcığı

Glabrous biennial. Stems 25-40 cm, erect. Basal leaves forming rosette, obovate, petiolate, sometimes reddish beneath, obtuse, with erose margins. Cauline leaves ovate, 15-30 x 7-24 mm, amplexicaul, obtusely auriculate, apex obtuse to subacute, margin entire or minutely  denticulate. Inflorescence branched, terminal branch only slightly longer than laterals. Sepal obovate, c. 3 x 1,5 mm, saccate at base, with scarious margin c. 0,3-0,4 mm broad at apex. Petals white, narrowly obovate, 6,2-6,7 xc. 1,7 mm. Anthers yellow. Fruiting pedicels patent, 6,5-8 mm. Siliculae obcordate, c. 12 x 5 mm; wings of valves c. 2 mm at apex, narrower at base. Style c. 2,3 mm, much exceeding 0,7-1 mm deep apical sinus. Seeds 2-3 in each loculus, pale brown. Fl. 4. Clearings in Pinus brutia forest on serpentine, to 100 m.