Sameraria stylophora


Sameraria stylophora


Dişli çivit
Annual, 10-40 cm, branched from near base. Basal leaves petiolate, spathulate or ovate, often marbled white, with entire, minutely denticulate or ± coarsely toothed margin. Cauline leaves ovate-oblong, entire to irrgularly dentate, c. 20-60 x 8-20 mm. Petals pale yellow, 4-5 x 1-1,5 mm. Fruiting pedicels 5-15 mm. Silicula pale green turning purplish-grey, 17-24 x 15-20 mm, broadly ovate , base deeply cordate; apex acutish, obtuse or shallowly retuse; wing 4-6 mm broad, loculus 8-12 x 4-5 mm; suture wing 7-13 x 3,5-4,5 mm. Style 1-3 mm. Fl.  4-5, fr. 5-6. Rocky limestone slopes and screes, 1200-1500 m.
N. Iraq, W., C. & S. Iran; ?W. Syria. Ir.-Tur. Element.
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