Sisymbrium loeselii

Sisymbrium loeselii


Annual, biennial or perennial, 20-100 cm, with an indumentum of long down-wardly directed white hairs, or glabrous. Basal leaves not rosette-forming, lyrate-pinnatipartite with a large hastate or triangular terminal lobe. Cauline leaves with hastate-lanceolate terminal lobe and 2-3 pairs of lateral lobes. Petals 5-7 x 2.5-3.5 mm, bright yellow; blade broad-obovate with a long narrow claw. Fruiting pedicels 6-12 mm, erect-spreading. Siliquae 10-35 x c. 1 mm, straight or curved; valves thin-walled, thinly 3-nerved; style c. 0.5 mm; stigma deeply bi-lobed. Seeds slightly papillose. Radicle incumbent or oblique.  Fl. 3-6. Rocky slopes, roadside, near cultivation, s. l.-1800 m.
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