Asyneuma compacta

Asyneuma compactum


Perennial, usually forming a dense cushion, to 2-4 cm, rarely elongate to 20 cm, glabrescent. Basal leaves in dense rosettes, persistent, oblanceolate, spathulate or rounded, obtuse, narrowed into 3-10 mm petiole, 3-7 x 2-6 mm, ciliate at margin, entire or with few teeth, ± pubescent on surface; cauline few, very small, linear. Inflorescence 1-flowered. Flowers erect, pedicellate. Calyx-lobes lanceolate, 4 x 0·6-1 mm, erect, glabrous. Corolla-lobes amethyst-blue, 10 x 1.3-3 mm. Stigmas 3. Capsule ellipsoid, ribbed, 5-7 x 3·5-5 mm, opening by 3 ± apical pores. Seeds ellipsoid, flattened, 2 x 1 mm, light brown, shiny. 2n = 34. Fl. 5-7. Calcareous rocks, exposed ridges, 450-2400 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
  • 850
  • 5
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  • 671
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  • 657
  • 3
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  • 663
  • 2
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  • 672
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  • 683
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Taşeli platosu
  • 634
  • 3
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