Asyneuma rigidum

Asyneuma rigidum

 Ssp graminifolium: Dişlideğnek; Ssp rigidum: Nujdan; Ssp sibthorpianum: Uludeğnek

Papillose or scabrous-pubescent, rarely glabrous perennial. Stems erect or ascending, 20-60 cm, usually simple. Lower cauline leaves largest, very variable in size and form, lanceolate to narrowly ovate or elliptic, serrate or crenate, sessile or shortly petiolate; middle cauline similar, mostly linear-Ianceolate, smaller, sessile. Flowers subsessile, single or in clusters of 2-4, in racemose-spicate inflorescence. Calyx lobes lanceolate, erect. Ovary turbinate, ribbed, 2-3 x 1.5 mm, papillose, rarely hairy. Capsule ellipsoid or obconical, ribbed, papillose or glabrous, opening by 3 ± apical pores. Seeds ellipsoid, ± flattened, light brown, shiny.  
1. Stem 40-60 cm, ± evenly leafy; leaves very variable in form and size, mostly lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, 4-5 x 0·6-1 cm, subsessile, rarely with short to 5 mm petiole; inflorescence elongate, many-flowered; capsule 3-6 x 2-3 mm; seeds 1·8-2x0·8-1 mm ..........subsp. rigidum 
1. Stem 20-30 cm, leaves mostly crowded in lower 1/3 ; lower cauline leaves elliptic, ovate, rarely lanceolate, ± obtuse, attenuate into 5-20 mm petiole, rarely ± sessile; inflorescence usually crowded, few-flowered; capsule 4 x 3 mm; seeds 2·5 x 1·5 mm .....subsp. sibthorpianum  element. )
Ssp graminifolium: Differing from subsp. rigidum by its grass-like leaves, 1,5-10 cm x 1-4 mm, entire or remotely denticulate; bracts linear, 4- 10 x 0,5- 1 mm, densely spreading-pilose. Fl. 7. Mountain steppe, 2300 m. 
Endemic ssp
  • 545
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  • 657
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  • 869
  • 4
  • 0
  • 662
  • 4
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  • 638
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  • 638
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