Campanula ajugifolia

Campanula ajugifolia

 Erciyes çanı

Tomentose-hispid monocarpic herb. Stem thick, to 1 cm diam., erect-ascending, 20-35 cm, simple or branched, densely leafy in lower part, usually winged by decurrent leaf bases. Lower cauline leaves oblong-spathulate, 3-7 x 1·5-3 cm, obtuse with strongly crisped-undulate, dentate margin, attenuate into short broad petiole; median oblong, sessile, shortly decurrent on stem, upper bract-like, ovate. Flowers sessile, 3-7 in clusters, axillary or on short branches in long compound spike. Calyx lobes erect, lanceolate, 6-8 mm, nearly as long as corolla tube, with very short obsolete reflexed appendages, shorter than ovate ovary. Corolla narrowly campanulate, 10-12 mm, divided to 1/5-1/4 into lanceolate, acute erect lobes, densely tom.entose-hispid outside, lavender blue. Style included. Stigmas 3. Capsule globose, 4 x 4 mm. Seeds narrowly ellipsoid, flattened, 0·9 x 0·2-0·3 mm, brown, shiny. 2n = 34. FI. 7-8. Limestone and schistose rock crevices, 800-2300 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. No close relatives.
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