Campanula alisan-kilincii

Campanula alisan-kilincii

Densely or sparsely retrorse-strigose, dwarf suffruticose, caespitose perennial. Stems numerous, unbranched, decumbent to ascending, flexuous, fragile, 3–14 cm, 1–9 terminally and axillary flowered, arising from the collar of a thick taproot with fertile and sterile leaf rosettes. Leaves entirely or slightly dentate, upper surface densely antrorse-strigose; lower surface sparsely retrorse-strigose; basal leaves oblanceolate to spatulate, slightly dentate, petiolate, 10–50 × 2–13 mm ; cauline leaves narrowly oblanceolate and slightly petiolate on lower leaves, oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate and sessile on upper leaves, 4–20 × 1–3 mm. Inflorescence 1–5 cm long, dense, distinctly leafy. Flowers subsessile, erect, terminal and axillary, upper surface densely retrorse-strigose, long-hairy inside. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, 2–3 × 0.9–1.1 mm, erect, densely retrorse-strigose; appendages inconspicuous, 0.5–1 mm, not enlarged after anthesis. Corolla tube broadly infundibular to conical, densely retrorse-strigose, pale-blue to violet-blue, 10–12 mm long, divided to 1/2 tube; corolla lobes 5–6 mm long, lanceolate. Bracts linear, c. 1 mm. Style subexserted, 6–8 mm. Stigmas 3,2 mm long. Stamen 3.5–6.0 mm long; filaments white, 1.5–2 mm long, with base rotundate to widely lanceolate, 3–1.5 × 1.2–1.5 mm, densely hairy on margin; anthers yellow, 3–4 × 0.4–0.8 mm; pollen yellow, triporate, rugulate. Capsule hemispherical, densely retrorse-strigose, erect, 3–4 × 3–4 mm, 3-locular, opening by 3 valves. Seeds narrowly ellipsoid to narrowly oblong, 0.7–0.9 × 0.3–0.4 mm, dark brown, shiny; testa striate. Flowering occurs in June–July and fruiting in August–September.

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