Campanula armena

Campanula armena

 Esnek çıngırak

Syn: Symphyandra armena
Plant ± densely pubescent, sometimes glabrescent. Rhizome thick, branched, with erect or drooping, thin, flexuous, 30-40 cm stems, branched from middle. Basal and lower cauline leaves long-petiolate, cordate, ovate, acuminate, 5-25 cm, irregularly lobed, serrate. Flowers solitary, drooping or in a 3-5-flowered corymb. Calyx lobes hairy, declinate, broadly ovate-lanceolate, appendages very short, acuminate. Corolla campanulate, white, finely velutinous, 15-20 mm, with short lobes. Style ± exserted. Capsule obovoid. Alt. 2600-3000 m.
Transcaucasia, N. Iran; Khorassan ?
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