Campanula betonicifolia

Campanula betonicifolia

 Ssp betonicifolia: Uluçıngırak; Ssp karadjana: Karaca çanı

Silky, tomentose or subhirsute biennial. Stem erect, branched. Basal leaves ovate to elliptic-oblong, crenate-serrate with lobulate or entire petiole. Lower cauline leaves similar or subsessile. Flowers medium-sized, shortly pedicellate or subsessile, mostly solitary. Calyx lobes ovate, acute, more than 1/2 length of corolla tube. Appendages ovate, finely pubescent, wholly concealing ovary. Corolla cylindrical, small, blue, tube 6-8 x c. 5mm. 2n=34, Fl. 6-7. Shady places, 600-1800 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.