Campanula hierosolymitana

Campanula hierosolymitana

 Cüce çançiçeği

Annual 5-30 cm, hispid. Stem erect, simple or dichotomously usually branched in the upper part, rarely from the base. Leaves 5-40 x 4-15 mm, sessile entire, ovate to oblong, obtuse or subacute. Flowers in groups of 2-3. Pedicel hispid. Calyx 6-16 x 2-3.8 mm , rather densely hirsute; lobes 4-10 mm long , ovate to lanceolate, acute; appendages 2-3 mm long , ovate to rounded, obtuse, concealing ovary in fruit. Corolla 10-22 mm long, divided to 1/3-1/2, tubular-campanulate, glabrous or hairy on nerves outside, light or deep violet; lobes 3-7 mm long, ovate to triangular-ovate, obtuse; tube 7-15 mm long. Stamen 6.5-8 mm long; filiform part of filament 0-0.2 mm long; base 1.5-1.9 x 1.3-1.7 mm, oblong-elliptical, sparsely hairy in the margin; anthers 5-5.8 mm long. Style 8.4-11 mm long, included. Stigma 1.5-2 x 0.5-0.7 mm. Capsule 5-7 x 5.65 mm, concealed by the acrescent connivent calyx lobes and appendages, hairy on the keel and on the valves. Seeds 1 x 0.4-0.45 mm, yellowish. Flowering 3-5.
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