Campanula involucrata

Campanula involucrata

 Sarım çanı

Pubescent perennial. Stems numerous, erect-ascending, 20-30 cm, densely leafy, simple, ± striate. Basal leaves oblong-elliptic, to 5 x 2 cm, narrowed into 4 cm petiole, crenate. Cauline leaves sessile, upper semi-amplexicaul, oblong-Ianceolate, 20 x15 mm, acute, crenulate. Flowers with short pedicels, in a dense terminal capitate inflorescence with broadly ovate, cordate, pale green involucral bracts prominently reticulate nerved below. Ovary obconical. Calyx lobes oblong, 4-6 mm, erect, acute, ciliate. Calyx appendages obtuse, short, 1 mm. Corolla narrowly infundibular, 12-15 mm, divided to 1/3, lobes ovate, acute, glabrous or ± densely pubescent outside, blue. Style exserted. Stigmas 2. Capsule obconical, 4 x 3 mm, opening by 2 small basal pores. Seeds oblong, flattened, 2 x 0·9 mm, brown. 2n = 26. Fl. 5-7. Open forests, igneous and limestone rocks and slopes, screes, 1000-2550 m.
N. Iraq, N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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