Campanula rapunculus

Campanula rapunculus

 Ssp lambertiana: Sidikli çançiçeği; Ssp rapunculus: Firenk salatası

Glabrous or slightly hirsute-pubescent biennial with often thick, napiform root. Stem 50-100 cm, erect, usually simple, rarely branched in upper part. Basal and lower cauline leaves obovate, usually obtuse, to 4 x 2 cm, narrowed into petiole, subentire; median linear-lanceolate, to, 4 x 0·8 cm, sessile; uppermost reduced. Flowers solitary, rarely 2-3 in long spicate or/sometimes slightly paniculate inflorescence, subsessile or on short thin pedicels. Calyx lobes narrowly lanceolate to setiform, 9-16 mm, long-acuminate, nearly as long as corolla or shorter, spreading-erect, glabrous. Ovary obconical, 3 mm, glabrous. Corolla infundibular, a little longer than calyx lobes, 15-20 x 12-20 mm, divided to 1/3  or a little more into ovate, acute lobes, glabrous, whitish or pale blue. Style included. Stigmas 3. Capsule obconical, 4-5 x 3-4 mm, ribbed, opening by ,3 apical pores. Seeds ovoid, 0·7-0·8 x 0·3 mm, light brown, shiny. Fl. 5-7. Forests, scrub, meadows, waste places, nr s.I.-2000 m.
1. Calyx lobes entire or rarely minutely 1- to 2-dentate near base ................var. rapunculus
1. Calyx lobes 2-8-glandular-fimbriate ........................................................var. lambertiana
Distribution of species: most of Europe , W. Syria, N. & N.W. Africa, C. & S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, Iran. Euro-Sib. element. 
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