Campanula trachelium

Campanula trachelium


Ssp athoa
Usually setose-hispid perennial. Stem erect, to 60 cm, simple or branched, angular, reddish. Lower cauline leaves ovate, cordate, 8-10 x 6-7 cm, acuminate, coarsely dentate-crenate or bicrenate, long petiolate; upper ovate-acuminate to broadly lanceolate, attenuate toward base, sessile. All leaves scabrous, pale beneath. Flowers subsessile, 1-4 axillary or at apex of branches, recurved or erect. Calyx lobes triangular, acute, to 10 mm, c. ½ x corolla, erect, scabrous-hispid or glabrescent. Corolla campanulate, 15-20 mm, divided to ½  into ovate, acute lobes, glabrous or with few cilia on nerves outside. Style included or shortly exserted. Stigmas 3. Capsule ovoid, nodding, opening by 3 small basal pores. Seeds ovoid, 1,1 x 0,5 mm, flattened, yellow, shiny. 2n = 34. Fl. 7-9. Forests, nr s.l.-2135 m.
Balkans. Euro-Sib. element. Subsp. trachelium is widespread in Europe, N. Africa, W. Syria, N.W. & N. Iran & W. Siberia. 
Ssp trachelium
Differs from subsp, athoa  Hayek in its larger corollas hairy inside and pedicellate flowers .
Europe, N. Africa, W. Syria, NW. and W. Iran, W. Siberia
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Mehmet Çelik