Jasione montana


Jasione montana


Ssp montana: Dağgökçesi
Mostly biennial or rarely annual, ± villous. Stem erect or ascending to 10-50 cm, simple or branched, leafless in upper part. Leaves linear-oblong to Iinear-Ianceolate, sessile, undulate at margin, entire or remotely crenate. Flowers in globose heads 1-2·5 cm diam. Involucral bracts ovate to triangular, rarely lanceolate, entire or crenate or dentate, usually with crisped hairs. Calyx lobes lanceolate, glabrous or rarely ciliate. Corolla blue, rarely reddish or white. Fl. 6-8. Dry, sandy places, s.l.
Most of Europe , N.W. Africa. Very variable in height, growth habit and hairiness. 
subsp. echinata
  • 760
  • 3
  • 0