Humulus lupulus


Humulus lupulus


Perennial with stems scrambling and sinistrorsely twining to 6 m or more, ± rough with deflexed scabrid hairs. Leaves cordate-ovate in outline , usually deeply 3-5-lobed or less commonly unlobed, scabrid on upper surface, lobes and leaf apex distinctly acuminate, margins coarsely dentate; petioles long, also scabrid with deflexed hairs. Tepals of male flowers 2.5 mm, oblong-ovate, brownish with pale margins. Female inflorescence with 2-3 flowers in axils of each bract, whole inflorescence enlarging to an ovoid head 3 cm long in fruit, bracts membranous, yellowishgreen, ovate, 1-1.5 cm. Achene roundish, slightly compressed, c. 3 mm, enclosed in yellowish-glandular female perianth segment. Fl. 6-8. Hedges or bushy places.
Almost throughout Europe; W. & C. Asia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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