Morina persica


Morina persica


Erect perennial with glabrous or pilose stems up to 1,5 m. Leaves whorled, coriaceous, lanceolate, margins sinuate, toothed with long spines; lower leaves glabrous, upper leaves glandular-pubescent. Flowers in 4-7 whorls, fragrant. Corolla 3,5-5,5 cem, with very long tube, white at first, becoming pink or reddish, pubescent. Involucel 6-13 mm, tubular-campanulate, pilose, with spines at apex, usually 2 much longer than the others. Calyx 9-16 mm, 2-lobed, lobes entire or 2-lobed. Fl. 5-8. Rocky slopes, screes, roadsides, 300-2750 m.
Greece, Lebanon, N. Syria, Iran, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element.
var. decussatifolia
Differing from var. persica by its opposite-decussate leaves and bracts. Fl. 8. Pebbly steppe. 1600-2200 m.
Endemic variety. Ir.Tur. element. 
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