Scabiosa sicula


Scabiosa sicula


Ada uyuzotu
Erect branched annual with pubescent stems 10-30 cm tall. Lower leaves oblong, dentate to lyrate; upper leaves pinnatisect with linear segments. Involucral bracts 5-7, linear to oblong-Ianceolate, c. 2 x as long as flowers. Capitula c. 1 cm diam., scarcely radiant; flowers red. Fruiting head spherical to ovoid. Involucel c. 2 mm, adpressed-hairy, pits ovate-oblong, ribs between pits sulcate; corona c. 2,5 mm with 20-24 excurrent nerves. Calyx shortly stipitate; setae 6,5-8 mm. Fl. 4-6. Hills, open woodland, 200-1350 m.
Spain, E. Mediterranean Syria, N. Iraq, Lebanon. Medit. element.
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